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tuyển-tập thơ lần này có bài “REFLECTIONS”
của Thanh-Thanh (Lê Xuân Nhuận):
I have heard
palaver, over historic issues ranged,
Such as, “If Cleopatra’s nose had been shorter,
The whole face of the world would have changed!”
But who asked “How?” would be a blabber aborter!
Such as, “If Cleopatra’s nose had been shorter,
The whole face of the world would have changed!”
But who asked “How?” would be a blabber aborter!
I have heard
of legitimate possessions justification
Quoting, “Render unto Caesar the Caesar’s things!”
But people are unaware of such self-devastation,
For Jesus added, “Unto God the Heavenly King’s”!
Quoting, “Render unto Caesar the Caesar’s things!”
But people are unaware of such self-devastation,
For Jesus added, “Unto God the Heavenly King’s”!
I have heard
the priests against incest preach
(Such kind of beauty cream would only hide blister)
But how could be born of Adam’s descendants each
If Cain had not had intercourse with his own sister?
(Such kind of beauty cream would only hide blister)
But how could be born of Adam’s descendants each
If Cain had not had intercourse with his own sister?
I have
experienced the Marxist-Maoist illogicality;
They force you to accept and believe their beliefs:
A classless society but for the proletariat partiality
And a stateless world but under communist chiefs!
They force you to accept and believe their beliefs:
A classless society but for the proletariat partiality
And a stateless world but under communist chiefs!
So, I do
acclaim and support any good success
And do further accept theoretically good intentions
But never extol and thank what is utopian guess:
Man at these times only needs realistic inventions!
And do further accept theoretically good intentions
But never extol and thank what is utopian guess:
Man at these times only needs realistic inventions!
Thanh-Thanh đã có thơ tiếng
Anh được chọn in trong hơn 30 tuyển-tập thơ của Mỹ và Anh, như các ấn-phẩm dưới

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